Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tuesday evening, 20Jun06.

I vaguely recall mentioning Sunday's events.

I woke up fairly late on Sunday, around 11am. Many of my batchmates had woken up at the ungodly hour of 5.30am to go to a theme park in Alton Towers. Being averse to theme park rides and unwilling to travel 13 hours on a sunday, I declined to participate.

At lunch, I ran into Amar (Dubai) and Josh (USA) who thought it'd be a great idea to head into St Albans Abbey to watch the football in a real english pub. At the time, it seemed like the best idea ever and I agreed to join them. The train to St Albans Abbey departed at 1.14pm and we strode into town like we owned the place. Our first stop was a pub called The Bell which, as it turns out, had Hoegaarden beer, which I truly loved. We drank while watching a fairly boring football game between Japan and Croatia that ended 0-0.

We then headed into The Boot, another english pub not far from The Bell. There we ran into a very engaging barman called Ed. We also ran into a fetching young woman called Helen. Turns out they both had very interesting stories to tell, which I will not reveal in this forum. Suffice it to say that our eyes widened at the stories they had.

Having pretty much drank all afternoon with nothing to eat, I became VERY WASTED. Off I went in search of food, leaving Amar and Josh at The Boot. The stories they eventually told me after my departure will have to keep for another post.



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