Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tuesday afternoon, 23May06.

We got let off class a little early today so I got cracking on the research that needed to be done. We're going to be in class mostly over the course of the next 2 weeks so little exciting news there. As opposed to the first week, where we were mostly outdoors, the next 2 weeks look like they're going to pass fairly slowly.

One bright spot this week is the upcoming Annual Shareholders Meeting at the head office. We will be the only group this year who will be attending and, once finished, we'll be free from class the rest of the day. We're already planning on watching a movie perhaps or catching another show. The only bad part is that we'll be in business attire (i.e. suit and tie) so walking in leather shoes around London will be quite a chore.

I'm sure we'll manage somehow.



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